Thursday, September 6, 2012

Earth Family

Mitt Romney cares about families. It must be true because that's what he said at the Republican Convention. He cares so much about them that he chose to mock President Obama's spurious promises to look after the oceans and other such nonsense: "Obama promised to slow the rise of the oceans and to heal the planet...My promise is to help you and your family."

I was at a lakeside cottage with my family, including my wife, our three adult children, and their partners when I heard this on the morning news. What made me heartsick is that Romney paused for the appreciative laughter of the audience twice. Silly, misguided president -- what on earth is he thinking. When I mentioned this at breakfast our 27-year-old immediately commented that if we don't heal the earth, we won't have families. This seems so obvious, and the pres wannabe's logic so flawed that it takes my breath away. Of course I am a confused Canadian.

Both the president and his opponent have invoked religion and God in their marathon toward the election because that is what American candidates do. What does Mr. Romney do with "the earth is the Lord's, and the fullness thereof? And what about the creation covenant God establishes with Noah and his extended family in Genesis 9?

Some observers are calling these phrases a signature statement about the Republicans' view on the environment and issues of planetary health, even though they were throw-aways in a speech. I'm inclined to agree.

Did you notice those sentiments in the midst of the hoopla of the convention? Do they scare you?


  1. They scare me so much that I avoid listening. I fear that we as Canadians are being 'led' by another who shares many of these same views. Sometimes I wonder if American candidates are running merely in the hopes that their speech sound bytes may someday be the title of a future movie biography.

  2. Hadn't you heard? Global warming is a hoax ...
