Friday, August 23, 2013


I am regularly impressed to discover those who make the connection between faith and cherishing the good earth, God's creation. It affirms for me that we don't have to be so heavenly minded that we are no earthly good. I have come across two resources recently, interviews on Things Not Seen Radio an Episcopalian (Anglican) priest in the States, named Fletcher Harper, as well as Rev. Harper's website

Listen and look and tell me what you think.


  1. Went to a celebration today which makes the connection between ideas and the earth. It is called "Well Dressing" It was interesting. It is a pagan ritual still done today in parts of England, mostly in the "Peak" district. The people make pictures around springs, water holes, rivers, etc. The canvas is mud or clay and the pigments are flower petals, leaves etc. Thought of your blogs about water. There are some good photos on line of the earthwork pictures made.

  2. I will look for them. It sounds as though this is another fascinating trip. Thanks Laurie.
