Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Worship in Woods and By Water

Image result for darlington provincial park
Well, I'm as ready as I'll ever be. Actually, I'm as prepared as I can be x 2 -- but more about that in my next Groundling blog.

Tomorrow I'll make my way to Darlington Provincial Park in Oshawa to lead a group of General Council 43 youth "pilgrims" in Worship in Woods and By Water. We've been scrambling around to find a venue with a shelter because the forecast is for rain. Originally we were going to be in the adjacent McLaughlin Wildlife Reserve but the park is a better spot if the heavens open. These are remarkable wildlife oases along the 401, North America's busiest highway.

Second Marsh

These young people and other delegates to the triennial General Council have been spending a lot of time indoors and listening to a lot of words. As important as the conversations and decisions at Council will be, sometimes words are overwhelming. And hanging out in large spaces without windows can be soul-numbing rather than uplifting.

Our time together will include scripture and communion, but we will be outside. The sermon will be provided by Creator and Creation as we take time without words to listen and smell and feel.

Ruth and I still attend church on Sundays (son Isaac's congregation) but I've been telling people that since retirement I make every effort to be a "be-wildered outsider" rather than an insider. I hope that tomorrow can be a meaningful experience of God who is

Source of Life, Living Word, and Bond of Love,
    and in other ways that speak faithfully of
the One on whom our hearts rely,
the fully shared life at the heart of the universe.

Song of Faith United Church of Canada 2006


Image result for song of faith united church of canada

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