Tuesday, April 5, 2022

A Grim Report and God's Wondrous World


                                                                             (not my photo)

3 This is God's wondrous world: O let me ne'er forget

that though the wrong seems oft so strong, God is the ruler yet. 

This is God's wondrous world: why should my heart be sad?

Let voices sing, let the heavens ring: God reigns, let earth be glad!

Yesterday the  the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), issued a report years in the making and involving leading climate scientists from around the planet. The report is 2,913 pages and the summary is 145 pages.The 'high-level' summary for policymakers, the one that's negotiated, with governments able to veto each line, is still 64 pages.

One climate scientist, Peter Kalmus, expressed his dismay that despite the gravity of their findings regarding the climate emergency and the evidence that we are at a tipping point regarding the systems necessary for our existence the media are still giving more attention to Will Smith's Oscar slap. The headline from the Guardian puts the results succinctly IPCC report: ‘now or never’ if world is to stave off climate disaster: Greenhouse gas emissions must peak by 2025, say climate scientists in what is in effect their final warning.

I went for a walk at the Frink Centre Conservation Area with a heavy heart this morning, wondering why we seem incapable as a species to make the changes necessary to ensure our wellbeing and that of the generations to come. 

While the woods were still mostly devoid of signs of Spring, as I approached the Moira River I could hear the wood ducks and the red-winged blackbirds and could make out bufflehead ducks on the water. I walked out to a favourite spot and noticed a good-sized bird well out from shore -- the first loon of the season! 

Then I looked upstream and saw a much larger bird high in a tree. With binoculars I identified it as a mature bald eagle with characteristic markings. After a couple of minutes I looked back to see if I could find the loon's mate. While I couldn't spot one I did notice movement which I figured was a beaver. No, it was an otter -- wait -- two otters moving sinuously through the water. They dove and resurfaced and -hold on -- there were three! 

I stood and watched for a while, by myself, except part of a "heavenly host" of creatures. There was the sound of the rapids and birdsong galore. I realized that my mood had lifted despite the truth of yesterday's report. I must not avoid the evidence, and it would be a sin to shirk my responsibility to respond it whatever ways I can. Still, my body, mind, and spirit can't ignore Creation's praise. 

The planet wants to thrive, to fulfill its wondrous, Creator-given promise, and I am grateful. I know that I've used lyrics from This is God's Wondrous World (formerly Father's World) often, but the verse above sure seems to fit. 

                                                                Otter stained glass in our home

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