Friday, September 13, 2024

A Creation Crisis & Brushing Our Teeth


Do you remember how years ago we were urged to brush out teeth or shave without letting the water run throughout the task? This was going to help "save the environment", along with other earnest individual activities. I still follow this suggestion and both recycle and cycle even though we now realize that addressing the climate crisis, including species and habitat loss, require the urgent effort of nations working in concert with one another. 

I've engaged in these practices for a long time because I want to be a responsible global citizen and I'm a Christian who believes that "the Earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof." For more than three decades I used my pulpit, not to bully but to exhort and educate and encourage when it comes to Creation. I observed Earth Sunday and Creation Time in the liturgical church year and I can only hope somebody was listening.

The cartoon above uses four panels to tell the story of what we've come to appreciate about the complexity of the existential crisis which is upon us. It would be easy to deny or to descend into hopelessness. Let's no go there, for the sake of Creation. 

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