Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Soul Food

Yesterday we drove to Frontenac Outfitters north of Kingston so that I could try out a couple of kayaks. I have a kayak and we have taken our boats with us to the Bay of Fundy and the Magdalen Islands in the Gulf of St. Lawrence during vacations. Still, my boat isn't exactly what I need and I am pondering a more suitable craft.

It was a glorious morning and the folk there set things up so we could both test paddle at a nearby lake. The boats I tried were impressive, but it was the setting which really spoke to my soul. It was a Canadian Shield lake which is "home" to us, and as we glided across the surface we could hear the raucous cry of a Pileated woodpecker, Canada's largest. There were many other birds and butterflies flitting across the water and I could feel my spirit moving into a simple joy which stayed with me throughout the day.

I feel badly for those who never really take or have the opportunity to allow the natural beauty of this country seep into their existence. We are children of the Creator, and while I know that God is present in urban settings in dynamic ways, time in the natural world orients us to our place in creation and the need to savour and respect it.

I can hardly wait to get established here, with our watercraft with us. Who knows, I might be in a new kayak!

Thoughts and comments?


  1. When you said "allow the natural beauty of this country seep into their existence", it instantly transported me to the glass lakes of my life. It's true that there is nothing that compares to it and the connection you feel to God in those moments. I think it's one of those things that I forget I crave, until I'm experiencing it.

    On Victoria Day weekend, we were up north in Muskoka at our friends' cottage east of Huntsville. At dusk as we spit out blackflies, the kids took turns 'kayaking' on the quiet lake. The kayaks that I've ever seen were tippy and intimidating to me, but this one was a pedal-boat kayak and so fantastic! The kids loved it because it was so easy for them to manoever.

    I hope you and Ruth are able to take advantage of your new home and I hope you get a new kayak too- just bring your camera and share the experience with us!

  2. Soul Food. I am quite similar in this respect, I feel my soul awakening in nature. I do believe God is everywhere, and I feel this most intensely when I am surrounded by nature. We are moving just slightly East in July, right on the shores of Lake Ontario. Whenever I am there, I say "this is good for the Soul".

    Good luck with your new boat! I've just ventured into Kayaks after a lifetime of canoes!
