Friday, August 30, 2013

Green Ole Opry

susan werner

Skies of blue and fields of green, waterfalls of Atrazine
Hundred acres to explore, acres of Alachlor

Hey, hey, ho, ho, mom and dad how could they know
Ho, ho, hey, hey, herbicides done made me gay.

This is the chorus of a tongue-in-cheek song by singer songwriter Susan Werner who is the subject of a piece in Grist called Green Ole Opry. Werner has an old-time country feel with an eye to the realities of a planet under stress. Some of you may remember me attending a conference in Colorado under the auspices of Presbyterians for Earth Care in which one of the speakers was Tyrone Hayes from Berkeley University whose research on the herbicide Atrazine concludes that it contributes to the development of hermaphrodite frogs, meaning that they can't reproduce.

Music has often been the medium to call for justice, including in the church. and its always fun to discover another voice. Werner has done an album called Gospel Truth which is both a critique and homage to Christian music. She grew up in the Catholic church herself. Have a listen at both the NPR and Grist sites. As always, I invite comments. Really. Please.

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