Teach me, God, to wonder; teach me, God, to see;
let your world of beauty capture me.
Praise to you be given; love for you be lived,
life be celebrated; joy you give.
Walter Farqharson
Ron Klusmeier
Go out into the natural world and look with God’s eyes;
listen with God’s ears;
know your place within God’s good creation.
Richard Rohr
Our minister, who happens to be our son, is on vacation during the month of August, so we aren't making the half-hour drive to church on Sunday mornings. This past weekend Isaac and Rebekah got away for their first couple overnight, sans children, in five years. The grandlads were with us, always a joy, albeit an exhausting one.
Instead of seeking out a bricks and mortar place of worship with two small boys we went canoeing -- a first for the three-year-old and one of only a few times for the five-year-old. We accepted the challenge with only a few pangs of concern, knowing that explaining the need to keep weight low and centred was a lost cause.

Lo and behold, we had fun, with both boys using their kid-sized paddles and taking in the watery world of the Salmon River. Perhaps coming upon an episode of Caillou early in the morning was providential. Caillou even saw a blue heron while out with his grandfather!
We too saw a heron, as well as dragonflies, a water snake, and other critters. One small turtle on a log allowed us to get very close before plopping into the murky water. We kept the outing to 45 minutes and it was remarkable how Creation was the great entertainer, a source of gentle wonder.
Through the centuries theologians have affirmed that there are two holy books, Creation and the scriptures. We explored God's "bible" together and it was worshipful. Back to church before long!
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