Thursday, July 25, 2019

Butterflies and Sparrows

Image result for butterfly on milkweed plant

1 God of the sparrow God of the whale
God of the swirling stars
How does the creature say Awe

How does the creature say Praise

God of the Sparrow - Voices United 229

We did some vegetable planting early in our raised beds this Spring but the wet and cool weather made for a very slow start. Then the heat came and everything flourished. We like to go out early each day to take a look and I'm convinced I can hear the peppers and tomatoes singing.

Yesterday I looked over to see a sparrow splashing about in one of our bird baths and seeing this tiny creature lifted my spirit. Today I was cutting the grass and I noticed a Monarch butterfly flitting about a milkweed plant which has just shown up along the back fence. Again, I had a sense of satisfaction and gratitude. 

Image result for north atlantic right whale

Are my responses to veggies and sparrows and butterflies weird?  I honestly don't care about how anyone would answer that question, at least not if they were negative. If ypu also enjoy these simple encounters then I'm glad that you are a member of the band of weirdos. We are responding to the work of the Creator, it seems to me, and it's important to cherish these moments. We've seen a North Atlantic Right whale and calf. We've admired soaring eagles and come around the bend in a river to meet a moose and her calf. While these are powerful moments it's the simple daily encounters which sustain me.

How about for you? 

6 God of the ages God near at hand
God of the loving heart
How do your children say Joy

How do your children say Home

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