Demonstration in Johannesburg, South Africa
Yesterday was Black Friday in the United States and in many other countries around the world which are following suit in offering supposed retail bargains. Our Canadian Thanksgiving is at the beginning of October rather than the end of November but no matter, the ads were omnipresent. Certainly the American day of gratitude with religious overtones has been overshadowed with the "buy, buy, buy" message of consumerism.

There are places which are pushing back for different reasons including environmental concerns. Apparently some lawmakers in France are attempting to have Black Friday banned. Some retailers are choosing a "Green Friday" approach, even shutting down for the day. The outdoor company REI has closed down retail outlets and internet ordering for the past five years. This year it encouraged an Opt to Act initiative, which encourages customers to participate in organized cleanups or create their own.
There were reminders yesterday that for many low-income and racialized people Black Friday is a godsend, so to speak. Fair enough. For the planet it may be godawful.
Perhaps Christians and other people of faith and goodwill could focus on simplicity and "enough really is enough" for our lives. Neither a good bargain nor an impulse purchase will ultimately satisfy our spiritual hunger.