Monday, April 12, 2021

A Wood Duck on a Sunday Morning


I saw a single wood duck yesterday. Big deal, you think. Yes, it was, I reply. In order to be active while also observing the latest restrictions mandated by the provincial government I walked early in the morning at a conservation area, and along two trails which took me to water. For me proximity to water is life-giving and spiritual. I saw various creatures, including my first frog -- I've heard a million peepers and chorus frogs -- and a muskrat.

As I walked close to a maple swamp I saw a bird land in a tree, then hop to another branch. My binoculars revealed a male wood duck. There are lots of these beautiful birds around these days, but I'm accustomed to seeing them in flight or floating on the water. Wood ducks are cavity nesters though, and this one may have been near its own nest. After all these years of noticing birds and all the wood ducks I have seen, this was a first.

Later in the morning we watched the worthwhile worship service from Trenton United. I felt God's presence twice, and that the experience in the woods brought a sense of calm and wonder which is unique to being in Creation. I am a Groundling at heart and soul. and the sight of that wood duck spoke to both. 

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