Friday, October 2, 2020

Praying Green

I'm so ancient that I first met and spoke with Elizabeth May, Canadian Green Party Leader, back in the days before she assumed that role in 2006. May was an environmental activist and author at the time and had spent time as an advisor to the environment ministry during the Mulroney years.

She came to Sudbury to encourage those who were concerned about the Lands for Life consultation process for Crown Lands in the province. I was the minister of a downtown congregation and made a presentation on behalf of Friends of Killarney Park at one of the Round Tables. After her address at Laurentian University we chatted for a few minutes When I mentioned my profession she immediately began talking about the importance of faith as a way of staying hopeful, and that she was considering the Anglican priesthood at some point in the future. That was more than 20 years ago, and since she's my age that goal may not be realized. 

Despite my admiration for May, the last federal election was the first time I voted Green. Every time I considered doing so I ended up holding my nose and voted strategically. I just couldn't do it after the Liberals made bold promises to be environmentally responsible, only to spend billions buying an aging pipeline. More than a million Canadians made a similar choice. 

I've come to realize that the Greens are the best fit for my vision of Canada and my sensibilities as a Christian, as a Groundling who wants governments to honour and care for Creation, even if they don't use that term. 

Tomorrow the Green Party will elect a new leader, and there are eight interesting candidates for the role. I won't be voting, but I will be praying. I've come to realize that the Greens have been prophetic in a number of areas where governments have coopted their ideas, not just regarding the environment. As we face a Climate Emergency for the planet we need strong leadership in the party as much now as ever. We can all pay attention to the outcome of the vote, and say a few prayers as well. 

You can find the candidate profiles here:

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