Thursday, October 1, 2020

Sticking it to an Anti-Green Government


Well, I suppose I can "stand down" with my Sharpie after a recent court decision here in Ontario and the response from the provincial government. A Superior Court judge with brains and a knowledge of the law ruled that the Ford government couldn't force its political agenda on independent businesses. You may recall that the Ford gang mandated placing stickers on gas pumps with what was misleading information about the federal carbon tax, designed to curtail harmful emissions. 

The government proposed hefty fines for those who didn't comply, although they never followed through on the threat.  I was so annoyed by this heavy-handedness that I was prepared to deface them with my Sharpie in an act of civil disobedience, although Ford's graffiti never went on pumps on the Tyendinaga Reserve where we usually purchase fuel. 

Much to my delight, the noxious stickers wouldn't stick --oh the irony -- and now they can disappear. I appreciated that the Green Party created their own sticker to counteract the misinformation.

Protecting the environment should always be a priority for governments, something that the "open for business" Conservatives need to understand as integral to a strong bottom line. 

As a Christian, caring for Creation is both a priority and a sacred trust, mandated by scripture. So as a person of faith, and a responsible citizen,  I will keep my marker ready for action And I'll be watching what this government does every day, as well as when the next election rolls around. 

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