Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Celtic Creation


Crows on a Vancouver Island Beach
Blessed are you, O God of justice
Blessed are you, O God of beauty
Blessed are you, O God of gentleness
Blessed are you, O God of wild unbridled winds.
We find you in all things.
We find you in every creature.
We find in the depths of our ever-living souls.
Praise be to you.
John Philip Newell, Celtic Treasure: Daily Scriptures and Prayer
My Lion Lamb blog today is a reflection on Celtic spirituality in the Christian tradition and my upcoming study/discussion series at Trenton United Church, beginning January 9th.  I mention the importance of the "green martyrs," the Celtic hermits and mystics of an earlier time who attempted to live in harmony with the natural world as an expression of Creation. There are improbable legends which involve otters and salmon and birds which nonetheless nudge us to consider how we respect the ecosystems of which we are part.
Related image
We will spend time speaking about some of these figures and how we might apply their witness to our lives and care for a groaning Creation (Romans 8:23.)
I've included a couple of prayers and blessings here, one in the Celtic spirit, by J. Philip Newell, and another traditional blessing I used often in worship through the years, particularly during Creation Time in the seasons of the liturgical year of the Church. Here, too, is the link to Lion Lamb.
Deep peace of the running wave to you.
Deep peace of the flowing air to you.
Deep peace of the quiet earth to you.
Deep peace of the shining stars to you.
Sun and moon pour their healing light on you
Deep peace of Christ, the light of the world to you.

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