These days there is essentially no news or coverage of issues of global importance other than...well, you know...
The plight of displaced refugees? The rights of Indigenous peoples in Canada and other countries around the world: And how about the disruptive effects of climate change? All these have been shoved into the background even though they continue to be extremely important.
I'm impressed that Rolling Stone magazine has published a special climate crisis edition with young Swede, Greta Thunberg on the cover. Today Greta is well known around the globe and she has inspired millions of teens and not-so-teens with a powerful message about acting now to save planet Earth. In the accompanying article we are reminded of her improbable start for this movement and her unwavering focus:
Back then, it was just Greta, a sign, and a lunch of bean pasta in a reusable glass jar. Then it was two people, and then a dozen, and then an international movement. I mention the bravery of her speeches, but she waves me away. She wants to talk about the loss of will among the olds.
Earlier this month Rolling Stone published an interview with another climate emergency superstar, Katharine Hayhoe. Hayhoe is a Canadian who is a climate scientist living in Texas. She is an evangelical Christian who doesn't "believe" in climate change because it is a matter of scientific evidence rather than religious conviction, even though many conservative Christians don't see it that way.
We can't downplay the crisis we're in with the pandemic of COVID-19. We must be vigilant every day. The global response may awaken us to the reality that we can take drastic and decisive measures in response to the greatest threats of our time. I pray that we will apply the lessons we are learning and "live with respect in Creation."

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