Saturday, March 5, 2022

Earth Beatitudes

A few Sundays ago Luke's version of the blessings or beatitudes came around in the lectionary cycle. These are grittier than the ones in Matthew which we know better and have corresponding woes, or warnings.  

While searching for a book in my study (I never found it) I came across some other blessings, these by a Roman Catholic priest who it turns out has written about Christian ecology through the decades and is now 100 years old. I like them and so I'll share them here. Meanwhile I'll get back to rummaging around for that book...

Beatitudes for Stewards of Earth 

by Father Ed Eschweiler 

 Blessed are they who reverence all created things as sacred: in God's eyes all creation is good. 

 Blessed are they who understand that creation is like a beautiful tapestry, with every strand depending on others. 

 Blessed are they who see the beauty of Earth as a reflection of the beauty of God, who creates it. 

 Blessed are they who do not waste or spoil Earth's resources, which are for everyone, even those not born yet. 

 Blessed are they who reverence the air--the breath of God and the Spirit of our life.

  Blessed are they who reverence the life-giving waters that sustain the Earth's climate and nourish Earth's inhabitants. 

 Blessed are they who reverence the soil that supports our homes and our footsteps and yields abundant harvests.

  Blessed are they who reverence the trees and other plants that call down the rains, stabilize the soil, and freshen the air. 

 Blessed are they who reduce what they consume, re-use what they can, and recycle what they can no longer use. 

 Blessed are they who praise God the Creator in their reverent and gentle use of all things on Earth.

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