Friday, October 18, 2019

Amazonia & New Paths for the Roman Catholic Church

There is a three-week conference being held at the Vatican called the Amazon Synod which is a prayerful reflection on the South American region's cultural, ecological and spiritual challenges and identify new ways for the Roman Catholic Church to minister to its people. The vast area spans nine countries -- Brazil, Colombia, Bolivia, Venezuela, Peru, Ecuador, French Guiana, Guyana and Suriname. It has approximately 34 million inhabitants, including 3 million indigenous people from nearly 400 ethnic groups who speak over 200 languages.

The full title of the synod Amazonia: New Paths for the Church and for an Integral Ecology and is at the mid-way point.The conversations include the very nature of the priesthood in a region where Roman Catholics are terribly under-served and no help in sight from the traditional models of clericalism. There is also discussion about the immense threat to the Amazon rainforest, including the fires which have been burning unabated. 

Pope Francis has also placed an emphasis on hearing from Indigenous peoples of the region and honouring their cultural traditions within the context of Christian faith. An outdoor ceremony included the planting of a tree from Assisi to honour St. Francis, and women danced. 

Participants kneel before bowing to a set of items during a tree planting ceremony in the Vatican gardens, Oct. 3, 2019. Credit: Vatican Media.

Of course there are conservative church leaders who are criticizing Francis and called the synod apostasy and pagan. One mocked the feathered head dress of an indigenous representative which is rich, considering some of the "liturgical drag" of cardinals. Francis actually encouraged clerics to "dress down" for this gathering. 

Yesterday Francis met with 40 Indigenous representatives and listened to their concerns. It was an important gesture given the history of colonialism in the Americas which the Roman Catholic church readily supported. 

I admire Francis and all those who are supporting these hierarchy-shaking discussions. I pray that he be heard, and more importantly, that the Indigenous peoples of the Amazon region be heard and honoured. 

Pope meets with group of indigenous people at the Synod

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