Saturday, October 5, 2019

Climate Plans and the Canadian Election

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I'm just going to be honest and say that I am royally pissed off at the federal Liberals for their double-speak on the environment in a number of areas, most egregiously in the purchase of a pipeline. The Regressive Conservatives have no concrete, costed plan for addressing the Climate Crisis, despite assuring us that they understand that human-created climate change is real.

So, who do we vote for in less than two weeks? Here is a link to an article in Chatelaine magazine outlining and grading the environmental platforms of the Green, Conservative, Liberal and NDP parties. The authors are an economist and climate scientist. I was delighted to see that the scientist is Katharine Hayhoe, evangelical Christian and relentless spokesperson for the clear science which indicates that humans are ignoring the circumstances which imperil the planet. As I've said often, Hayhoe has a remarkable ability to tell the truth and be hopeful. Recently she was named a United Nations Champion of the Earth. What a cool superhero vibe that honour holds! Is she now able to leap tall buildings, carbon-neutrally, of course?  

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In their introduction they offer:

A thermometer isn’t blue, red, orange—or green. It doesn’t give us a different answer based on which political party we support. But increasingly, today, our perspective on climate change—Are the impacts serious? What should we do to fix it?—depends not on the science but rather on our political ideology.
Take a look at their conclusions.

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