Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Carbon Pricing 101

Image result for carbon pricing dianne saxe

 Dr. Dianne Saxe

During my years of ministry I encouraged members of different congregations to vote in elections at every level of government and to be informed about the decisions they made at the ballot box. I was never partisan but I noted the debates which would address social justice and environmental issues. I was accused by a few of being "too political" for suggesting that they encourage their favoured candidates to participate in these debates. Go figure. I do feel that it is a sacred trust to choose leaders wisely.

The federal election in Canada is just three weeks away and pundits are noting that the environment and particularly the climate crisis is becoming a key issue. Four of the five parties -- if we're willing to call the People's Party of Canada a legitimate party -- have named climate change as a key issue. The Progressive Conservatives say that they will address climate change although they are vague about how and are opposed to any form of carbon pricing. I wonder how many Canadians have a clear picture of how carbon pricing works and are concerned that it is just another tax grab.

I noticed recently that Dr. Dianne Saxe, environmental lawyer and former Environmental Commissioner of Ontario (Premier Ford eliminated her position) has offered her PowerPoint explanation about carbon pricing and it is really helpful. Take a look...and vote!


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