Snow Sifting Through Frink Centre Trees Photo: Ruth Mundy
Ruth attended am out-of-town co-workers' reunion on Sunday, so getting to church in Trenton wasn't logistically possible. Instead we headed out early to the Frink Centre, one of our go-to spots for a walk. At 8:30 in the morning we had the trails to ourselves and we soaked in the tranquility and beauty which was enhanced by the recent snowfall. We started out on the marsh boardwalk before making our way back across the road to the Moira River and along the maple swamp. This was a contemplative and reverent walk and we were quietly grateful for the showers of blessings, aka snow drifting down from the evergreens.
We did meet one person, a guy carrying a camera with a telephoto lens which seemed half his body size. We probably all would have been content with a simple "hello, nice morning" in passing, but somehow we ended up in conversation. It was obvious he loved his photographic pursuit of birds, particularly pileated woodpeckers. This day he was on the lookout for barred owls, and we could share that we'd seen both in these woods.
Barred Owl at the Frink Centre photos: Ruth Mundy
We moved on to a more sobering discussion of climate change. He commented on the increasing number of blow-down trees in the woods he walks, and the decreasing numbers of birds. We all agreed that the dawn chorus of birds in Spring and Summer has grown fainter over time. He's been taking pictures for more than 25 years and shrugged his shoulders at the lack of concern by those who just don't see the "signs of the times" (my biblical interpretation) because they aren't necessarily walking the woods and seeing the changes. With smiles we all bid farewell and went on our way.
This walk involved both "live with respect in Creation" and "live with wonder in Creation." It was holy even though our planet is less whole with each passing year. We don't like missing worship in our Christian community yet we benefited as "be-wildered outsiders" once again.
Snow Crystals on Moira River Ice Photo:Ruth Mundy
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