I rummaged around and found a print resource from the Sojounrers Christian community called Holy Ground: A Resource on Faith and the Environment. I ordered it back in 1997 and paid five bucks for it (US) Out of curiosity I did a search and I could get a copy for $75 (US) on Amazon.com!
This resource was a mature, ground-breaking series of essays with different sections, including Environmental Racism and Justice. These ten insightful essays explore how environmental degradation affects the poor and marginalized and racial minorities at a disproportionately high level. They work in industries which are poisonous, and live near toxic waste around the world. Charles Lee describes it as "dumping on the poor."
They were eye-openers for me -- I hadn't really thought in theses terms before. I believed strongly that as Christians we had a biblical imperative to protect and delight in God's Creation. It hadn't really occurred to me that I was in a privileged position as a white, North American male to enjoy the Earth, both as a source of wonder and resources.

Imperialist cultures have often discounted Indigenous wisdom about the land, and whole continents have been plundered to provide wealth for a relative few. Many Canadian mining companies have a dismal record at home and abroad in treating Indigenous communities with respect.
Only recently did I become aware that one of my environmental heroes, John Muir, was involved in the displacement of Indigenous people to create beloved parks.
In the midst of the current groundswell of demands for justice for Blacks in the United States, as well as Indigenous peoples, and People of Colour everywhere there is also a call to connect racial justice and environmental justice. This isn't new, given that the Sojourners resource is nearly 25 years old, but it may be that it will be finally be heard.

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