This is Friday -- it is, isn't it? -- which means it is another Fridays for Future. Almost two years ago a diminutive 15-year-old Swedish girl named Greta Thunberg began her one-person protest outside the Swedish parliament against the global inaction regarding Climate Change or the Climate Emergency. It seemed quixotic, at best, yet her consistency led to Friday school climate strike rallies of teens and other concerned people, first in her home country, then around the world. A rally and march in Montreal attracted half a million people.
We discovered that Thunberg has a fearless and honest manner of speaking which resulted in invitations to address the United Nations and other bodies. And when she met with Prime Minister she didn't hesitate to say that Canada needs to do far better in addressing carbon emissions which contribute to global warming
Thunberg is the youngest person ever to be featured as the Time Magazine Person of the Year. She also has an uncanny ability to get under the skin of rather vile, privileged adults, mostly male, mostly white. They mock her age, equating it with immaturity, and dismiss her as mentally ill. All of them should have their mouths washed out with environmentally-friendly soap.
The COVID-19 pandemic has ended these massive gatherings but Thunberg's witness and work has certainly not ended. She continues to speak with what I've called a prophetic voice. There has been no connection between Greta's message and faith, yet she does stand in the tradition of the biblical prophets, speaking truth to power despite criticism and scorn.
Recently Thunberg was awarded the Gulbenkian Prize for Humanity which includes a monetary prize of one million euros or more than one and a half million Canadian dollars. What will she do with this windfall? She is giving it away, through her foundation, to worthy environmental causes. I doubt that any of her critics have been that generous, including the current president of the United States with his now defunct phony foundation.
All of us who read scripture with an eye to the mandate to care for Creation and who follow the incarnate "earthy" Christ can pray for the safety and success of Greta Thunberg, whatever her personal spiritual leanings may be. God the Creator moves in mysterious and meaningful ways.

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