Grandson floating, Depot Lakes Conservation Area
Our two Trenton grandchildren visited over the weekend because they are now in our permitted social circle (hurray!) It made sense to fill the inflatable pool and let them splash around, which they did with the reckless abandon of 7 and almost-5 year olds. We emptied it by hand after their first visit because of the grass and general schmutz which made its way in with them, but we did it using buckets which were then emptied on our vegetable and flower gardens. Then they returned, and it was still very hot, so we filled it again...and guess what? This morning we were out early with the aforementioned buckets. giving the plants another thorough watering. Who needs the gym?
We could have simply pulled the convenient plug on the pool each time and the lawn would have been grateful. We just figured we would be watering the vegetables anyway, so why not use what was within a few metres of our raised beds.
The story of the people of Israel, as well as the Christian story of Jesus, the Jew, involves a lot of water in lands with very little. It is a precious resource in the Land-Which-Is-Seldom-Holy, so it shouldn't surprise us that it is considered sacred and a medium through which the Holy Spirit works. Whether the waters of Creation in Genesis, the waters of the Jordan where Jesus was baptized, or the waters of the Lake of Galilee where so much of Jesus' ministry happens from start to finish, H2O is powerful, mystical, unpredictable, and absolutely vital.
We have moved into some of the most sustained hot weather in my memory and it could be part of the reckoning of the climate emergency which is current, not future. So far we haven't been asked to curtail water use, but we'll do our best to live with an economy in water use which respects what a precious resource it really is.
Oh yes, on Canada Day we got the two boys and other family members into canoes and out to an island at Depot Lakes, where we all swam. Divine!
Other Grandson floating -- Depot Lakes
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