Present in a community of beautiful diversity
we ask your protection and blessing on all who ride;
commuters and athletes, students and children,
DUIers and those who can’t afford anything else,
along with all others who take to the roads and paths of Belleville.
Keep us safe as we travel.
God of life,
Hear our prayer.
God of life, Hear our prayer. AMEN
This poster showed up in the form of a recent tweet and its good to see that cycling will be celebrated in Toronto, a city not known for its friendliness to those on bicycles. It came the same day a sombre commemorative ride was being held for a slain cyclist. The Ghost Bike Ride, as it was called, brought together riders for an eight kilometre cycle, finishing at the crash site where Douglas Crosbie was killed on May 16. Crosbie, 54, was riding westbound along Dundas Street East when he was struck by a truck attempting to make a right-hand turn. He died in hospital later that day.
Ghost Ride for Douglas Crosbie
Another cyclist has been killed since then in Toronto, along with a number of serious collisions in which bike riders fare the worst.
I can't recall a fatal collision locally during the five years we've lived in Belleville, but it can be scary to ride in this city. I've had several close calls even though I'm a careful rider and when it's gloomy or dark I have lights a blazin'. It's a mindset of privilege for vehicle drivers and even though they often complain about cyclists or pedestrians, in a high percentage of collisions motorists are found at fault. It amazes me that so many motorists are frustrated with traffic congestion yet blame in on cycling lanes and cyclists. It's the vehicles, vehicles, vehicles!
When I was at Bridge St. we had a Blessing of the Bikes, followed by a ramble through town. A number of people came from the community and we wheeled the bicycles to the front for a prayer, a portion of which is above, and a blessing (below). God knows we need all the help we can get.
Blessing of the Bicycles and Cyclists
God, bless these our bicycles and all of us as cyclists.
Pour out your protection on our CSA approved helmets.
Guide our
handlebars and steer us ever true.
Bless our wheels
that move upon your good Creation.
Anoint our brakes
that we may know our limits.
Give us an internal
GPS so we might always return home safely.
Send down your
Spirit with a blessing upon these bikes
May our wheels rise! Amen.
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