Michael de Adder Toronto Star May 2, 2018
Hmm. First we get word that Ontario Conservative leader Doug Ford will scrap the Green Belt, a protected swath through the Golden Horseshoe around the western nose of Lake Ontario as well as east as far as Cobourg. Of course Canada's largest city, Toronto, is within that area along the lakeshore, as is all of the GTHA with more than seven million people. The goal of the Greenbelt is to provide permanent protection to green space, farmland, forests, wetlands, and watersheds which are under pressure from urban sprawl and expansion.
Then premier-hopeful Ford does a pirouette (not his best look) and tells us that "the people have spoken" and let him know that the Green Belt gotta stay, so it will stay. Is this the way the province will work with Dougie at the helm? I don't know whether I was more disturbed by his cavalier promise to end protection for these vital areas or his immediate change of heart. I don't trust the guy, but I never have and I don't want him as our premier.
The irony is that the Liberals who created the Green Belt in 2005 will likely be out of power in the province by mid-year and deserve to get turfed. They've wasted billions, fudged the books, and are attempting to promise their way into another term. I doubt that it will work and I can't support Premier Wynne and her government.
I do feel that one of the best things this government has done. A slew of developers don't like it, lots of farmers don't like it, and there are a fair number of politicians who try to find ways around it. But making this decision showed some gumption and foresight for the future. Our three grandchildren live in this province, all within close proximity of the Green Belt.
For God's sake and theirs I hope that there is enough vision and will to keep this area safe. I think the Michael De Adder cartoon is perfect

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