So God created the great sea monsters and every living creature that moves,
of every kind, with which the waters swarm,
and every winged bird of every kind.
And God saw that it was good.
Genesis 1:21
Early this past week the first sightings of North Atlantic Right whales were made in Canadian waters and immediately certain fishing areas were closed to protect the whales from entrapping gear. In some respects this is a positive move on the part of the feds. I also had mixed feelings. Right whales are endangered and not a single newborn calf was seen this year. Whale experts figure this species has twenty years at most if the deaths aren't curtailed and we have to act immediately to avert this disaster.
At the same time the men and women who make a living from fishing are struggling. The lobster fishers point out that despite the dozen or more deaths from gear entanglement last year none were from their lines.

I heard a researcher, Michael Moore. on CBC Day Six yesterday who suggested that there may be different ways to fish areas that don't endanger whales. There are devices that scientists use which are triggered to either float their equipment to the surface or release lines on floats by someone in a boat above. They are already being employed by the fishing industry in Australia, but not here. Of course, this would be expensive for fisherman who are already on the razor's edge of profitability.
I have a goofy notion. Take some of the hundreds of millions in governmental subsidies for the highly profitable fossil fuel industry and give the money in grants to those who are fishing. Start with a pilot project for research into alternative gear and give grants to those who are willing to give it a try. I know, crazy.
I figure that as a Canadian who is a Christian I can care about the survival of the whales and the fisher-folk.
Any thoughts?
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