Thursday, January 20, 2022

Delight in the Song of the Stars


You may have seen photos of what appears to be sheer madness yesterday as Eastern European men plunge through holes in the ice, often in the shape of a cross. These are Orthodox Christians celebrating Epiphany, two weeks later than January 6th, which is the date for much of the Christian world. This is not some minor sect with approximately 260 million Orthodox Christians aroung the globe, everywhere from Russia to Ethiopia. The Orthodox communion celebrates the baptism of Jesus by John the Forerunner rather than the Magi in search of the Christ Child guided by a star, hence the polar bear plunges. 

While the focus is different we decided that this was the day to move the piece of art above (sorry for the poor photo) which has a place of honour at the front door during the Christmas season, then resides on another wall during the rest of the year. This is the cover art for the book
Song of the Stars by Sally Lloyd Jones and Allison Jay which imagines various creatures recognizing the celestial body which was a portent of the coming of the infant Christ. 

I've written before about friends who saw this artwork in New York City and contacted the illustrator Jay who got a printmaker to create this for us. They did so because they knew of our appreciation of the "human animal bond." I delight in it all year round, but especially in the weeks we and others are greeted by it as we enter our home. 

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